Sunday, April 1, 2007

- Kalma Tayyaba ... The Correct way of Life -
There is no god except Allah" - is the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith, meaning that there is no one to be worshipped except God; "Muhammad Rasul Allah" - "Muhammad is the Messenger of God"- is the second part, meaning that this worship is to be carried out according to the teachings of the Prophet - peace be upon him.A believing Muslim is one whose heart has been penetrated completely with this declaration, as the other pillars of Islam and articles of faith are derivatives of it.Thus, belief in angels, God's Books, God's Messengers, the life hereafter, al-Qadr (the measurement of good and evil), praying (al-Salat), fasting (al-Siyam), almsgiving (al-Zakat) and pilgrimage (al-Hajj), and the limits set by God of permissible and forbidden things, human affairs, laws, Islamic moral teachings, and so on, are all based on the foundation of worship of God, and the source of all these teachings is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).Allah (swt) says:(Whoever obeys the Prophet obeys God) [Qur’an 4:80]The declaration of faith provides the foundation for a complete system of life for the Muslim community in all its details.Thus, a Muslim community must sustain a practical interpretation of the declaration of faith and all its characteristics; and the society which does not translate this declaration into practice is not a true Muslim society.This way of life cannot come into being without securing this foundation first.If the system of life is constructed on some other foundation, or if other sources are mixed with this foundation, then that community cannot be considered Islamic.Allah (swt) says:(The command belongs to God alone. He commands you not to worship anyone except Him. This is the right way of life.) [Qur’an 12:40]This concise and decisive declaration of faith guides Muslims in the basic questions of their religion and in its practical movement.First, it guides to the nature of the Muslim community; second, it shows the method of constructing such a community; third, it tells how to confront ignorant, and disbelieving societies; and fourth, it determines the method by which Islam changes human life.The distinctive feature of a Muslim community is that all its affairs are based on worship of God alone. The declaration of faith expresses this principle and determines its character; in beliefs, in devotional acts, and in rules and regulations.A person who does not believe in the oneness of God does not worship God alone. Allah (swt) says:(Allah commands you not to take two gods. God is only One; hence fear Me. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him and follows His way. Will you the fear anyone other than God?) [Qur’an 16:52]Anyone who performs devotional acts before someone other than Allah does not worship God alone.(Say, my Salat (prayers), my acts of devotion, my life and my death, are for the Sustainer of the Worlds; He has no associate. I have been commanded this, and I am the foremost to be among the submitters.) [Qur’an 6:163]Also anyone who derives laws from a source other than God, in a way other than what he taught us through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) does not worship God alone.(Are there associates of God who have made permissible for them in their religion that which God has not permitted?) [Qur’an 42:21](Whatever the Prophet gives you, accept it, and whatever he prohibits you, refrain from it.) [Qur’an 59:7]In the Muslim society, the beliefs, ideas, devotional and religious acts, the social system and its laws, should be based on submission to God alone.It is necessary, therefore, before thinking of establishing the Islamic social system and organizing a Muslim community, that one should give attention to purifying the hearts of people from the worship of anyone other than God.Only those whose hearts are so purified will be true Muslims, and only these people can start a true Muslim community. Anyone who wants to live an Islamic life will automatically enter into this community, and his belief, acts of worship and the laws which he follows, will also be purified for God alone. In other words, he will be an embodiment of "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadar Rasul Allah".This was the basis on which the foundation of the first Muslim community was established which eventually developed into the first Muslim nation.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Faisal Abad - Pakistan

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.


First Kalima - Kalima Tayyabah

English Translation: There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.


Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Said

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:
Allah's Apostle said to me, "Recite the whole Qur'an in one month's time." I said, "But I have power (to do more than that)." Allah's Apostle said, "Then finish the recitation of the Qur'an in seven days, and do not finish it in less than this period."
(From Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 61, Number 574).


The Manchester of Pakistan: (Formerly Lyallpur) This city has a population of 1,977,246 and is located in North East Pakistan. Thee city is in a cotton and wheat-growing area. It is an important transportation and commercial center, especially for grains, cloth, and ghee (clarified butter). Manufactures include textiles, pharmaceuticals, chemical fertilizer, bicycles, textile machinery, hosiery, flour, sugar, vegetable oil, and soap. The city was founded by Sir James Lyall c.1895 and named in his honor. Punjab Agricultural Univ., several colleges affiliated with the Univ. of Punjab, and numerous experimental farms and cattle-breeding stations are in Faisalabad. It is often refered to as the Manchester of Pakistan. The city was founded in the 1890s by Sir Charles James Lyall, lieutenant governor of the Punjab. Faisalabad Gumti

Manchester of Asia
Large Industrial Units: 512 Textile Units: 328 Chemical Unit: 92Engineering Units : 92House Hold Industries: 12,000Power Looms: 60,000
Natural Resources
The river Ravi flows on the Eastern and the Chenab on the Western boundary of the district. No other river passes through it. Floods caused by the over flow of Ravi on account of heavy rains in its catchment areas during the Monsoon, are re-current feature. These floods cause extensive damage to crops and villages periodically.
The wild life of this district includes Foxes, Pigs, and Jackals & Wild Cats. Among the birds, Partridge, Pigeon, Dove, Tilliar, Lal Mena, Bias, Parrot, Quail, Pochard, Mallard, Teal, etc. are and in the district.
Faisalabad district is un-parallel for its agricultural productivity. The area grew in importance as the grain belt of the Punjab. Prosperous towns and villages sprung up in the wake of colonization. The Kharif crops are maize, rice, sugarcane and bajra. The Rabi crops are wheat. barley, gram and barseen.
In addition to these, there are also Zaid Kharif and Zaid Rabi crops.Zaid Kharif crops are toria, raiya, sarsoon and Zaid Rabi crop is tobacco. The use of tractors is becoming popular and fast replacing the conventional ploughs. Improved variety of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides have greatly increased per acre yield and with that the prosperity of the peasant community which has toiled for three generations to transform a barren land into verdant fields.
Faisalabad district is famous for its fruit production also. The important fruits are Kinno. Malta, Fruiter, Mango and Guava, Faalsa is also grown. The total area under fruit orchards is 34,517 acres.
Faisalabad city has the distinction of being a seat of world famous Agricultural University and equally renowned Agricultural Research Institute, Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB) and National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE). Besides the Punjab Medical College there are several other professional Universities and Colleges like Hamadard University Faisalabad Campus, University of Faisalabad, Commerce College, Textile College, Poly Technical College, Superior Science College and many others.

Faisalabad district has made rapid strides in the field of industry after independence. It is now called the "Manchester of Asia" for its extensive development of textile industry. This development has been made possible by the continued efforts of pioneering entrepreneurs as well as workers over a period of four decades. Before independence, there were only five industrial units in Faisalabad City (then Layallpur).
Now, there are dozens of textile mills with other subsidiary units. Roughly, there are 512 large industrial units out of which 328 are Textile units, 92 engineering units and 92 of chemicals and food processing units. Other industries include hosiery, carpet and rugs, nawar and lace, printing and publishing and pharmaceutical products etc. There are also some 12000 house-hold industries, which include some 60000 power loom factories.Communication
There is a network of metalled roads in the district. The headquarter town Faisalabad is connected with its Tehsil headquarters and other major towns of the district.

- Agricultural University- Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB)- Punjab Medical College
It is also connected with the capital of Pakistan and other major cities through the M3 Motroway link via Pindi Bhatian. This link considerably reduce travelling time to other important cities and helps businesses in reaching remote areas of the district.
The district is also connected by following railway lines.
Faisalabad-Gojra-Shorkot-Khanewal Railway Line.
Faisalabad-Chak Jhumra-Sheikhupura-Lahore Railway Line.
Faisalabad-Chak Jhumra-Sargodha Railway Line.
Lahore-Jaranwala-Shorkot Railway Line.
There is a civil airport on Faisalabad Jhang Road, P.I.A. and other private Airlines operate their regular flights for Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi from this airport.